Tami Myer

Tami picTami spent most of her childhood growing up in Haiti, where her parents served as missionaries. She then attended college in Florida, earning a bachelor’s degree in communications and master’s degree in literature.

As a college student, Tami Myer read that Biblical teaching on marriage was dishonoring to women and was no longer relevant. Troubled, she launched into an extensive examination of the Scriptures concerning marriage, men, and women. Tami says, “I wrestled it out with God. I am so glad I did! I learned that God honors women. I learned that my culture had lied to me.”

Now Tami is eager to share with others that there is a God-given glory in being a woman and that God’s design of marriage is absolutely trustworthy. She provides many helpful resources at her website, MannaForMarriage.com. Married or single, you will be encouraged by Who You Are, and What You’re Worth.

Tami and her husband have been married for 28 years, and they have three children. In addition to serving as wife and mother, Tami enjoys leading marriage classes, teaching Bible studies, and speaking at various events.